Project Status: ACTIVE

Our FTD Documentary relaunches this year, with a “Finish the Film” plan firmly in place, split into three phases. Project completion is slated for Summer 2025.

The first phase begins fundraising in late Spring 2024. It simply entails completing the first rough edit, so we can prepare for final interviews with doctors, etc. in phase two.

That paves the way for third and final phase of the project, full post-production, including the final edit, sound mixing, etc.

We’ll be funding each phase separately to keep the project moving forward smoothly and on-schedule. If you’d like to donate, we’ll have clear instructions for that on this page soon, as well as on the new website for the film:

Please join our Email List using the opt-in form below to stay up-to-date on our progress, and if you’d like to volunteer or help in any other way, please click here to contact us.

Click here to follow us on Facebook for updates there too.

Original Early Trailer

This trailer goes way back. I think we cut it in maybe 2008? So yes, it’s an old, internet trailer that we put together just to start getting the word out.

Which did work, because it’s pulled in a ton of views over on the Hollywood 27 Productions YouTube channel, but that was at a point before the documentary even found its rightful home over here at Change the World Films.

Still, although rough around the edges, it does give a taste of what’s to come. That particularly holds true with the Moriarty family, who is one of four families featured in the film, sharing their stories about dealing with FTD hitting a loved one.

The biggest thing to note here, however, is that the professionals will not appear in the finished film, as that information is way too outdated. We’ll be re-shooting those segments in 2024 with new people involved, to bring the documentary up-to-speed for the current advances made in FTD treatment, etc.

For much more on this and to stay fully up-to-date on the project, please click here to visit the film’s website at


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