Welcome to Change the World Films…
It’s been a long time in the making, and actually let’s call that an EXTRA long time in the making, courtesy of the pandemic — which hit right as we were preparing to come out of a much needed break. Unfortunately, that break was radically extended when we had no desire for it to be, something at least we ALL can relate to after the surprises in store for us back in 2020.
Enter 2024, however, and Change the World Films is back and moving forward full throttle. After trying for years to secure changetheworldfilms.org, from a bizarre and unresponsive “company” near Philadelphia that refuses to return any calls, we elected to just run with changetheworldfilms.studio and push on.
Now let’s get into the important stuff. Here are the three key points I want to make with this re-launch, as it affects all of our projects…
- Our Frontotemporal Dementia Documentary moves to the pole position
This documentary project began way back in late 2005 I believe, and it unfortunately, for several reasons, has never been given its due. It took two big gut punches during our initial attempts to complete this as a side project, initially over at Hollywood 27 Productions, and then in its rightful home here at Change the World Films.
I go into that more right here, so if you’d like to get caught up on where things stand with our FTD documentary, please click over to that post. For now, the key point is simply that we’re finishing this film first, and we’re finishing it NOW. It’s been on the backburner long enough, and it’s too important of a project to stay there. - ChangeTheWorldFilms.Studio is the new hub for all of our work
When I first started what would eventually become Change the World Films, we were simply The Walk a Mile Project, and our nonprofit had yet to be formed. With now nearly three decades of experience in website work, and well over a decade in marketing, it’s become clear that we needed a little more focus to help get the word out.
So as move into our next era here, the new Change the World Films website here will point you in the right direction for all of our projects; however, each of those projects will be run from their own, individual websites. This helps us reach many more people, and much more effectively to boot.
For now, that means our GMO Controversy Documentary can still be accessed, subscribed to, etc. over at walkamileproject.com. And of course, the FTD Documentary will live over at frontotemporaldementia.org, once it officially launches in late Spring 2024 here. - You can now easily donate ANYWHERE
We will accept donations on all three of our current websites, but we do recommend visiting the specific project you’re interested in and then donating/subscribing directly to that project. It’s still the best way to get involved.
That said, any donations made here on changetheworldfilms.studio will go directly toward the current project we’re fundraising for, which is noted right on the donation form itself for clarity.
As always, call us anytime with questions, we’re here for you at 800-404-6977 and happy to help!
That’s it for now. Thanks for reading about our new site launch. We’re excited to be getting back to work here, and look forward to bringing much more from the Frontotemporal Dementia Documentary later this year. Thank you for all of the support, and I’ll be back with an update on that film as soon as I have one.
— Eric
Eric Battersby
Change the World Films